
#讀檔案,這是一般的文字檔,可以用 notepad 開啟
dta <- read.table("bully.txt", header = TRUE)
性別 憂鬱 被霸凌 體指數 年齡
29 3 18.49 17
4 0 20.17 15
3 2 15.63 16
20 1 21.48 18
25 4 18.43 15
24 3 16.29 13
                       by = '性別',
                       statistic = list(all_continuous() ~ "{mean} ({sd})")) |> gtsummary::add_overall()
Characteristic Overall, N = 2,0001 , N = 1,0001 , N = 1,0001
憂鬱 16 (10) 17 (10) 15 (9)
被霸凌 2 (2) 2 (2) 2 (2)
體指數 20.6 (3.7) 20.1 (3.4) 21.1 (4.0)
    12 213 (11%) 107 (11%) 106 (11%)
    13 367 (18%) 177 (18%) 190 (19%)
    14 311 (16%) 140 (14%) 171 (17%)
    15 325 (16%) 168 (17%) 157 (16%)
    16 306 (15%) 145 (15%) 161 (16%)
    17 345 (17%) 195 (20%) 150 (15%)
    18 131 (6.6%) 68 (6.8%) 63 (6.3%)
    19 2 (0.1%) 0 (0%) 2 (0.2%)
1 Mean (SD); n (%)
dta |>
  dplyr::select_if(is.numeric) |> 
  as.tibble() |>
  GGally::ggpairs(data = _, axisLabels= 'internal', title= '變項間關聯')



#Baron & Kenny(1986) 的四步驟,檢驗被霸凌是體指數到憂鬱的中介
m1 <- lm(憂鬱 ~ 體指數, data=dta)
m2 <- lm(被霸凌 ~ 體指數, data=dta) 
m3 <- lm(憂鬱 ~ 被霸凌, data=dta)
m4 <- lm(憂鬱 ~ 被霸凌 + 體指數, data=dta) 
                     model.names = c("憂鬱", "被霸凌","憂鬱","憂鬱"),
                     error_format = "[{conf.low},{conf.high}]")
Warning in to_md.huxtable(structure(list(names = c("", "(Intercept)", "", :
Markdown cannot handle cells with colspan/rowspan > 1
Warning in to_md.huxtable(structure(list(names = c("", "(Intercept)", "", :
Can't vary column alignment in markdown; using first row
憂鬱 被霸凌 憂鬱 憂鬱
(Intercept) 12.31 *** 1.41 *** 11.70 *** 9.53 ***
[9.85,14.77] [0.91,1.90] [11.13,12.26] [7.26,11.81]
體指數 0.17 ** 0.03 * 0.11
[0.05,0.28] [0.01,0.05] [-0.00,0.21]
被霸凌 1.99 *** 1.98 ***
[1.79,2.19] [1.78,2.18]
N 2000 2000 2000 2000
R2 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.16
** * p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05.
res <- mediation::mediate(model.m=m2,
Running nonparametric bootstrap

Causal Mediation Analysis 

Nonparametric Bootstrap Confidence Intervals with the Percentile Method

               Estimate 95% CI Lower 95% CI Upper p-value
ACME             0.0599       0.0054         0.12   0.022
ADE              0.1062      -0.0030         0.23   0.054
Total Effect     0.1661       0.0461         0.30   0.008
Prop. Mediated   0.3606       0.0264         0.99   0.026

Sample Size Used: 2000 

Simulations: 1000 

par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
termplot(m4, partial.resid = T, smooth = panel.smooth)

## 以 SEM 中的徑路分析方式,分析中介
model1 <- '
  憂鬱 ~ c*體指數+b*被霸凌
  被霸凌 ~ a*體指數 
  indirect := a*b
  total := c + (a*b)
  proportion := indirect/total
fit <- lavaan::sem(model1, data=dta)
lavaan 0.6.15 ended normally after 8 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of model parameters                         5

  Number of observations                          2000

Model Test User Model:
  Test statistic                                 0.000
  Degrees of freedom                                 0

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                             Standard
  Information                                 Expected
  Information saturated (h1) model          Structured

                Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  憂鬱 ~                                           
    體指數    c    0.106    0.055    1.928    0.054
    被霸凌    b    1.978    0.102   19.444    0.000
  被霸凌 ~                                         
    體指數    a    0.030    0.012    2.504    0.012

                 Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .憂鬱           83.081    2.627   31.623    0.000
   .被霸凌          4.013    0.127   31.623    0.000

Defined Parameters:
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    indirect          0.060    0.024    2.484    0.013
    total             0.166    0.060    2.769    0.006
    proportion        0.361    0.152    2.373    0.018
fit <- lavaan::sem(model1, data=dta, test="bootstrap", bootstrap=501)
Warning in lav_model_test(lavmodel = lavmodel, lavpartable = lavpartable, :
lavaan WARNING: 5 bootstrap runs failed or did not converge.
  filter(op == ":=" | op == "~") |>
  select(label, est, se, pvalue,contains("ci"))
       label   est    se pvalue ci.lower ci.upper
1          c 0.106 0.055  0.054   -0.002    0.214
2          b 1.978 0.102  0.000    1.779    2.178
3          a 0.030 0.012  0.012    0.007    0.054
4   indirect 0.060 0.024  0.013    0.013    0.107
5      total 0.166 0.060  0.006    0.049    0.284
6 proportion 0.361 0.152  0.018    0.063    0.658
pl_01 <- lavaanPlot::lavaanPlot(model = fit,
                       edge_options = list(color = "grey"), 
                       coefs = TRUE,
                       stand = TRUE)
#將圖存為 pdf 
#lavaanPlot::embed_plot_pdf(pl_01, "figure/plot_01.pdf")
#將圖存為 .png
lavaanPlot::save_png(pl_01, "figure/plot_01.png")

兩個獨變項: 一個中介變項,一個控制變項

model2 <- '
  憂鬱 ~ c1*體指數 + c2*性別+ b*被霸凌+ d2*年齡
  被霸凌 ~ a1*體指數 + a2*性別 + d1*年齡
  indirect_體指數 := a1*b
  total_體指數 := c1 + (a1*b)
  proportion_體指數 := indirect_體指數/total_體指數
  indirect_性別 := a2*b
  total_性別 := c2 + (a2*b)
  proportion_性別 := indirect_性別/total_性別  

fit <- lavaan::sem(model2, data=dta)
parameterEstimates(fit) |>
  filter(op == "~") |>
  select(label, est, se, pvalue,contains("ci"))
  label    est    se pvalue ci.lower ci.upper
1    c1  0.095 0.055  0.087   -0.014    0.203
2    c2 -1.741 0.406  0.000   -2.537   -0.945
3     b  2.052 0.101  0.000    1.853    2.250
4    d2  0.719 0.113  0.000    0.497    0.940
5    a1  0.043 0.012  0.000    0.019    0.066
6    a2 -0.173 0.090  0.054   -0.348    0.003
7    d1 -0.155 0.025  0.000   -0.204   -0.107
parameterEstimates(fit) |>
  filter(op == ":=") |>
  select(label, est, se, pvalue,contains("ci"))
              label    est    se pvalue ci.lower ci.upper
1   indirect_體指數  0.087 0.025  0.001    0.038    0.137
2      total_體指數  0.182 0.061  0.003    0.063    0.301
3 proportion_體指數  0.479 0.164  0.003    0.159    0.800
4     indirect_性別 -0.354 0.185  0.055   -0.716    0.008
5        total_性別 -2.095 0.446  0.000   -2.969   -1.222
6   proportion_性別  0.169 0.080  0.035    0.012    0.327
fit <- lavaan::sem(model2, data=dta, test="bootstrap", bootstrap=501)

  filter(op == "~") |>
  select(label, est, se, pvalue,contains("ci"))
  label    est    se pvalue ci.lower ci.upper
1    c1  0.095 0.055  0.087   -0.014    0.203
2    c2 -1.741 0.406  0.000   -2.537   -0.945
3     b  2.052 0.101  0.000    1.853    2.250
4    d2  0.719 0.113  0.000    0.497    0.940
5    a1  0.043 0.012  0.000    0.019    0.066
6    a2 -0.173 0.090  0.054   -0.348    0.003
7    d1 -0.155 0.025  0.000   -0.204   -0.107
  filter(op == ":=") |>
  select(label, est, se, pvalue,contains("ci"))
              label    est    se pvalue ci.lower ci.upper
1   indirect_體指數  0.087 0.025  0.001    0.038    0.137
2      total_體指數  0.182 0.061  0.003    0.063    0.301
3 proportion_體指數  0.479 0.164  0.003    0.159    0.800
4     indirect_性別 -0.354 0.185  0.055   -0.716    0.008
5        total_性別 -2.095 0.446  0.000   -2.969   -1.222
6   proportion_性別  0.169 0.080  0.035    0.012    0.327
pl_02 <- lavaanPlot::lavaanPlot(model = fit,
                       edge_options = list(color = "grey"), 
                       coefs = TRUE,
                       stand = TRUE)
lavaanPlot::save_png(pl_02, "figure/plot_02.png")


Lishinski A (2022). lavaanPlot: Path Diagrams for ‘Lavaan’ Models via ‘DiagrammeR’. https://github.com/alishinski/lavaanPlot, https://lavaanplot.alexlishinski.com/.