
#讀檔案,這是 CSV 檔(用逗號分隔的檔),可以用 notepad 或 EXCEL 開啟
dta <- read.csv("TwoModerators1.csv", header = TRUE)


方法一:調節效果,用 PROCESS 功能分析

#載入 PROCESS,特別記得要讓 process.r 可讀取(在同目錄,或特定目錄)
## ********************* PROCESS for R Version 4.3.1 ********************* 
##            Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.  www.afhayes.com              
##    Documentation available in Hayes (2022). www.guilford.com/p/hayes3   
## *********************************************************************** 
## PROCESS is now ready for use.
## Copyright 2020-2023 by Andrew F. Hayes ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
## Workshop schedule at http://haskayne.ucalgary.ca/CCRAM
process (data = dta, y = 'Y', x = 'X', w ='Z1',z='Z2', model = 2,
         moments = 1,jn = 1,plot=1, modelbt= 1, boot = 999)
## ********************* PROCESS for R Version 4.3.1 ********************* 
##            Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.  www.afhayes.com              
##    Documentation available in Hayes (2022). www.guilford.com/p/hayes3   
## *********************************************************************** 
## Model : 2 
##     Y : Y 
##     X : X 
##     W : Z1
##     Z : Z2
## Sample size: 500
## Random seed: 802496
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: Y
## Model Summary: 
##           R      R-sq       MSE         F       df1       df2         p
##      0.5195    0.2698    1.0150   36.5135    5.0000  494.0000    0.0000
## Model: 
##              coeff        se         t         p      LLCI      ULCI
## constant    0.0614    0.0452    1.3570    0.1754   -0.0275    0.1503
## X           0.4462    0.0466    9.5834    0.0000    0.3547    0.5376
## Z1          0.4306    0.0451    9.5366    0.0000    0.3419    0.5193
## Int_1       0.0234    0.0462    0.5063    0.6129   -0.0674    0.1142
## Z2          0.0314    0.0456    0.6891    0.4911   -0.0582    0.1210
## Int_2       0.1003    0.0499    2.0087    0.0451    0.0022    0.1984
## Product terms key:
## Int_1  :  X  x  Z1      
## Int_2  :  X  x  Z2      
## Test(s) of highest order unconditional interaction(s):
##        R2-chng         F       df1       df2         p
## X*W     0.0004    0.2563    1.0000  494.0000    0.6129
## X*Z     0.0060    4.0347    1.0000  494.0000    0.0451
## BOTH    0.0062    2.1052    2.0000  494.0000    0.1229
## ----------
## Focal predictor: X (X)
##       Moderator: Z1 (W)
##       Moderator: Z2 (Z)
## Conditional effects of the focal predictor at values of the moderator(s):
##          Z1        Z2    effect        se         t         p      LLCI
##     -1.0132   -0.9666    0.3255    0.0819    3.9734    0.0001    0.1646
##     -1.0132    0.0262    0.4251    0.0646    6.5817    0.0000    0.2982
##     -1.0132    1.0190    0.5247    0.0809    6.4846    0.0000    0.3657
##     -0.0023   -0.9666    0.3492    0.0671    5.2013    0.0000    0.2173
##     -0.0023    0.0262    0.4487    0.0466    9.6364    0.0000    0.3572
##     -0.0023    1.0190    0.5483    0.0689    7.9599    0.0000    0.4130
##      1.0086   -0.9666    0.3728    0.0817    4.5659    0.0000    0.2124
##      1.0086    0.0262    0.4724    0.0673    7.0177    0.0000    0.3401
##      1.0086    1.0190    0.5720    0.0855    6.6899    0.0000    0.4040
##        ULCI
##      0.4865
##      0.5520
##      0.6836
##      0.4811
##      0.5402
##      0.6837
##      0.5333
##      0.6047
##      0.7399
## Data for visualizing the conditional effect of the focal predictor:
##           X        Z1        Z2         Y
##     -0.9382   -1.0132   -0.9666   -0.7107
##      0.0346   -1.0132   -0.9666   -0.3940
##      1.0074   -1.0132   -0.9666   -0.0774
##     -0.9382   -1.0132    0.0262   -0.7729
##      0.0346   -1.0132    0.0262   -0.3594
##      1.0074   -1.0132    0.0262    0.0542
##     -0.9382   -1.0132    1.0190   -0.8351
##      0.0346   -1.0132    1.0190   -0.3247
##      1.0074   -1.0132    1.0190    0.1857
##     -0.9382   -0.0023   -0.9666   -0.2976
##      0.0346   -0.0023   -0.9666    0.0421
##      1.0074   -0.0023   -0.9666    0.3817
##     -0.9382   -0.0023    0.0262   -0.3598
##      0.0346   -0.0023    0.0262    0.0767
##      1.0074   -0.0023    0.0262    0.5132
##     -0.9382   -0.0023    1.0190   -0.4220
##      0.0346   -0.0023    1.0190    0.1114
##      1.0074   -0.0023    1.0190    0.6448
##     -0.9382    1.0086   -0.9666    0.1155
##      0.0346    1.0086   -0.9666    0.4782
##      1.0074    1.0086   -0.9666    0.8408
##     -0.9382    1.0086    0.0262    0.0533
##      0.0346    1.0086    0.0262    0.5128
##      1.0074    1.0086    0.0262    0.9723
##     -0.9382    1.0086    1.0190   -0.0089
##      0.0346    1.0086    1.0190    0.5475
##      1.0074    1.0086    1.0190    1.1038
## *********************************************************************** 
## Bootstrapping progress:
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## Outcome variable: Y
##              Coeff  BootMean    BootSE  BootLLCI  BootULCI
## constant    0.0614    0.0607    0.0452   -0.0302    0.1507
## X           0.4462    0.4460    0.0482    0.3535    0.5435
## Z1          0.4306    0.4289    0.0463    0.3365    0.5172
## Int_1       0.0234    0.0237    0.0457   -0.0650    0.1136
## Z2          0.0314    0.0312    0.0425   -0.0549    0.1151
## Int_2       0.1003    0.1010    0.0430    0.0147    0.1856
## ******************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND ERRORS ************************ 
## Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output: 95
## Number of bootstraps for percentile bootstrap confidence intervals: 5000
## W values in conditional tables are the mean and +/- SD from the mean.
## Z values in conditional tables are the mean and +/- SD from the mean.
m3 <- lm(Y ~ X+Z1+Z2+X:Z1+X:Z2, data = dta)

interactions::interact_plot(m3, pred = X, modx = Z1,mod2=Z2, interval = TRUE,
  int.type = "confidence", int.width = .8)
## Warning: X and Z1 and Z2 are not included in an interaction with one another in the
## model.


方法二:調節效果,用 lavaan 功能分析

dta$int1 <- dta$X*dta$Z1
dta$int2 <- dta$X*dta$Z2

k11 <- mean(dta$Z1)-sd(dta$Z1)
k12 <- mean(dta$Z1)
k13 <- mean(dta$Z1)+sd(dta$Z1)
## [1] -1.013 -0.002  1.009
k21 <- mean(dta$Z2)-sd(dta$Z2)
k22 <- mean(dta$Z2)
k23 <- mean(dta$Z2)+sd(dta$Z2)
## [1] -0.967  0.026  1.019
model1 <-'
Y ~ b1*X + b2*Z1 + b3*Z2 + b4*int1 + b5*int2
sslope11 := b1+b4*(-1.013)+b5*(-0.967)
sslope12 := b1+b4*(-1.013)+b5*(0.026)
sslope13 := b1+b4*(-1.013)+b5*(1.019)
sslope21 := b1+b4*(-0.002)+b5*(-0.967)
sslope22 := b1+b4*(-0.002)+b5*(0.026)
sslope23 := b1+b4*(-0.002)+b5*(1.019)
sslope31 := b1+b4*(1.009)+b5*(-0.967)
sslope32 := b1+b4*(1.009)+b5*(0.026)
sslope33 := b1+b4*(1.009)+b5*(1.019)
fit <- lavaan::sem(model1, data=dta)
## lavaan 0.6.15 ended normally after 1 iteration
##   Estimator                                         ML
##   Optimization method                           NLMINB
##   Number of model parameters                         6
##   Number of observations                           500
## Model Test User Model:
##   Test statistic                                 0.000
##   Degrees of freedom                                 0
## Parameter Estimates:
##   Standard errors                             Standard
##   Information                                 Expected
##   Information saturated (h1) model          Structured
## Regressions:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##   Y ~                                                 
##     X         (b1)    0.446    0.046    9.641    0.000
##     Z1        (b2)    0.431    0.045    9.594    0.000
##     Z2        (b3)    0.031    0.045    0.693    0.488
##     int1      (b4)    0.023    0.046    0.509    0.610
##     int2      (b5)    0.100    0.050    2.021    0.043
## Variances:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##    .Y                 1.003    0.063   15.811    0.000
## Defined Parameters:
##                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
##     sslope11          0.325    0.081    3.997    0.000
##     sslope12          0.425    0.064    6.622    0.000
##     sslope13          0.525    0.080    6.525    0.000
##     sslope21          0.349    0.067    5.231    0.000
##     sslope22          0.449    0.046    9.694    0.000
##     sslope23          0.548    0.068    8.008    0.000
##     sslope31          0.373    0.081    4.592    0.000
##     sslope32          0.472    0.067    7.059    0.000
##     sslope33          0.572    0.085    6.730    0.000
fit <- lavaan::sem(model1, data=dta, test="bootstrap", bootstrap=501)
Y~Xb10.446  0.04639.64 0       0.355  0.537  
Y~Z1b20.431  0.04499.59 0       0.343  0.519  
Y~Z2b30.0314 0.04530.6930.488   -0.0574 0.12   
Y~int1b40.0234 0.04590.5090.61    -0.0666 0.113  
Y~int2b50.1    0.04962.02 0.0433  0.003020.198  
Y~~Y1      0.063415.8  0       0.879  1.13   
X~~X0.944  0                0.944  0.944  
X~~Z1-0.051  0                -0.051  -0.051  
X~~Z20.0565 0                0.0565 0.0565 
X~~int1-0.0485 0                -0.0485 -0.0485 
X~~int20.006330                0.006330.00633
Z1~~Z11.02   0                1.02   1.02   
Z1~~Z20.051  0                0.051  0.051  
Z1~~int10.134  0                0.134  0.134  
Z1~~int2-0.0204 0                -0.0204 -0.0204 
Z2~~Z20.984  0                0.984  0.984  
Z2~~int1-0.0192 0                -0.0192 -0.0192 
Z2~~int20.0288 0                0.0288 0.0288 
int1~~int10.972  0                0.972  0.972  
int1~~int2-0.042  0                -0.042  -0.042  
int2~~int20.817  0                0.817  0.817  
sslope11:=b1+b4*(-1.013)+b5*(-0.967)sslope110.325  0.08144    6.42e-050.166  0.485  
sslope12:=b1+b4*(-1.013)+b5*(0.026)sslope120.425  0.06426.62 3.54e-110.299  0.551  
sslope13:=b1+b4*(-1.013)+b5*(1.019)sslope130.525  0.08046.52 6.82e-110.367  0.682  
sslope21:=b1+b4*(-0.002)+b5*(-0.967)sslope210.349  0.06675.23 1.68e-070.218  0.48   
sslope22:=b1+b4*(-0.002)+b5*(0.026)sslope220.449  0.04639.69 0       0.358  0.539  
sslope23:=b1+b4*(-0.002)+b5*(1.019)sslope230.548  0.06858.01 1.11e-150.414  0.683  
sslope31:=b1+b4*(1.009)+b5*(-0.967)sslope310.373  0.08124.59 4.39e-060.214  0.532  
sslope32:=b1+b4*(1.009)+b5*(0.026)sslope320.472  0.06697.06 1.68e-120.341  0.604  
sslope33:=b1+b4*(1.009)+b5*(1.019)sslope330.572  0.085 6.73 1.7e-11 0.405  0.739  
lavaanPlot::lavaanPlot(model = fit,
                       edge_options = list(color = "grey"), 
                       coefs = TRUE,
                       stand = TRUE)
m3 <- lm(Y ~ X+Z1+Z2+X:Z1+X:Z2, data = dta)

interactions::interact_plot(m3, pred = X, modx = Z1,mod2=Z2, interval = TRUE,
  int.type = "confidence", int.width = .8)
## Warning: X and Z1 and Z2 are not included in an interaction with one another in the
## model.